
If you're here for some specs and stuff:

With that out of the way. Hello there!

My name is SJ. I go by they/them pronouns. I identify as nonbinary agender, asexual, and aromantic. I'm Filipino.

I am [last 2 numbers of the year] years old (yeah, I cannot be assed to change this every year. Do the math). I'm currently in university studying Multimedia Studies (hence... my somewhat rudimentary knowledge of CSS-HTML lmao).

I like to learn things in my free time. I draw, I write, I... code. I like stories and understanding what makes them compelling! Yes, that actually means I will probably read non-fiction for funsies.

As for why this page exists, I thought I needed a easy-to-read, easy-to-access directory for my socials, as well as an online portfolio. It's not going to look 100% professional (I only really do CSS-HTML as a hobby), but it's going to be accessible!